Pat Collins Hypnotist Comedy Hypnosis Show Video
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chris cadys get hypnotized  in Reno show great  comedy in downtown reno nevada in 2010
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Hypnotist Pat Collins The Hip Hypnotist.

Every time I perform my comedy hypnosis show here in Reno or Lake Tahoe I always get people who were hypnotized by Pat Collins "The Hip Hypnotist"

I owe her one.... These folks always come to my show with a great deal of excitement and they  are always the first to run up on stage and volunteer to get hypnotized and they  always become hypnotized quickly....  They always share with me that they were hypnotized when they saw Pat's show at the MGM Grand or at Harrah's in Reno.  

I will share with you a quick story. Last summer I witnessed a car accident and the driver pulled a "hit and run" I wrote down his plate and waited for the cops. When the police came I filled out a police report and when the police officer from the real Reno 911 saw my occupation listed as, "Hypnotist" his eyes got real wide and he told me how he went and saw Pat Collins  at Harrahs in Reno back in the 80's and thought hypnosis was all fake. Next thing he knew he woke up on stage and the show was over... He was kinda scared of me and I know he will never give me a ticket....

Gotta love Pat!

Recently I found this clip on youtube  of an old episode of I Love Lucy where Pat Hypnotized Lucy.

Its very funny and I heard that Lucy actually ended up getting hypnotized during the filming of the  show

Enjoy the video of her show its posted below.

By the way if you are coming to Lake Tahoe or Reno Nevada and you want to see a hilarious all ages comedy hypnosis show

I hope you will come and see my show

Now enjoy the Pat Collins Hip Hypnotist Video"

Taken from Chris Cadys Get Hypnotized Comedy Hypnosis Show Now Playing in Reno Nevada
heres an entertainment  pic taken from his  show in Reno GEt Hypnotized
comedy shows in Reno GEt Hypnotized
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from the best show  magic comedy hypnosis show inReno Nv Chris Cady  get Hypnotized
reno show GEt Hypnotized REnos  only family friendly  show its great entertainment in Nevada
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reno comedy  shows  Hypnotist Chris Cady performs his show live in reno Nevada
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