If you are looking for a discount show coupon keep scrolling down this page. If you are Looking for directions and discounts to the Reno Comedy Show Get Hypnotized in Reno here are your directions.
Also there are no refunds , exchanges or price adjustments allowed.
All discounts are taken of of a full priced adult ticket and we cannot waive the facility fee.
Any sort of discount or coupon is not valid for online sales and must be given to the clerk prior to buying your ticket. In the event of a dispute. Don't be mean to her she is on some new medication that has side effects which may result in your castration...
Keep reading!
We think most discount offers are BOARRRRRRIIIINNNNG!!!
Take a look through our discounts and see if there is one for... even you.
October 2010: EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN FOR ME DISCOUNT: Purple hair? Do you have a nose ring for each day of the month? Did your best friend cut your hair with dog grooming clippers? Do you look like you work at HotTopic?
You deserve a break save $5.00
April 16 and 17 TAX CHEAT FORGIVENESS ADMISSION DISCOUNT. Admit you cheated on your taxes and save $5.00 on an adult ticket. (Since you've got cash...Be sure to pay with the cash that you saved from cheating on your taxes)
Interracial family discount: Are you used to confused looks, harsh stares and poor customer service? When you go to a restaurant do they make you sit in the back next to the dirty dishes? Do your neighbors "forget" to invite you to join them on barbecues, duck hunts and family night at the monster truck smash? Us too. We want you to know that its the rest of the world that's got it all wrong. So join us and we will treat you with respect and seat you right up front for a change. Be creative and make your own interracial family discount coupon and present this coupon to our interracial clerk (who only looks white) and save $5.00 per adult ticket.
ps: We are the only business on EARTH to have the balls to offer an Interracial family discount. Please be an overly uptight litigious, right wing American and report us to some multi lettered bureau of the federal government or find an attorney with a diploma from a fancy sounding "on-line law school" to sue us for violating some law that forbids such discounts. We can use the FREE publicity.
Celebrity Look alike discount:
Do you look like Oprah, Larry King, Jay Leno, George Lopez, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson, Connan, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Rosie O’Donnel, Ellen, Howard Stern , Kathy Griffin, Montell, Maury, Marge Simpson, Jerry Springer, Adam Corolla, Regis, Tom Greene or Simon? We think you deserve a break. Save $5.00 on an adult ticket.
PS Anyone looking like Pamela Anderson gets moved front row center.
NCVA Volleyball 2011 Tournament Discount:
You were so much fun last year. We would love to have you back. Please see your coach for your special deal for volleyball players
Hot August Nights 2011 / Car Club Attendees: Come on in and walk up to our clerk, take out your wallet and show her the new pictures of your car that are now covering up the pictures of your wife and children, shout "Beep, Beep," and save $5.00 on an adult ticket
Michael Jackson Fans. Michael Jackson The King of Pop Will Live on In Our Hearts Forever Too.
Wear your Michael Jackson Costume and save $5.00 on your ticket. (Moonwalk across the lobby and you just might end up in the show)
Rib Cookoff 2011 Show Special
Come in to our shows box office during the rib cookoff and Yell at our salad eatin vegetarian ticket seller
"I Love Animals...They taste GREAT!" And after she picks herself up off the floor
You will save $5.00 on any adult ticket.
Fourth of July Events in Reno Nevada: Friday JULY 2 and Saturday. Catch our 4th of July weekend special!
Wear or bring your American Flag Sing Yanke Doodle Dandy and save $5.00 on your ticket.
(Good at door only)
August -Sept 2011 Burning Man Weekend Special Friday And Saturday 8pm shows
BURNERS Wear a Tye Dye T- Shirt (unofficial uniform of Burning Man ) and
save $5.00
There is plenty of FREE parking for your jalopy in the courthouse parking lot across the street (I swear I'm not making this up)
June 2011 in Reno Reno Rodeo fans
wear a cowboy / cowgirl hat and save $5.00 at the door.
Please leave your horse upstairs.
June 19-27 Tree huggin' animal lovin' salad eatin' Rodeo protesters
bring your protest sign get save $5.00 at the door.
2011 Animal rights safari club protesters come on down and spend your night with us. save $5.00
Reno Aces Baseball Discount
Love baseball, rock hard pretzels and overpriced beer? So do we! Show us a ticket stub from any Reno Aces baseball game and save $5.00 on one full priced adult ticket.
"Crazy Reno Nevada Hypnotist Pays $5.00 for Worthless Stock Certificates"
Did you lose your shirt in the stock market? Bring in your worthless stock certificates and receive a $5.00 discount. ( one worthless stock certificate per person)
Yellow Pages I Hate Lawyers On The Back Page of My Yellow Pages Book Special: Bring in the back page of any yellow pages book. Rip it up and stomp on it in front of our cashers and scream out this quote from Macbeth, "FIRST LETS KILL ALL THE LAWYERS! - save $5.00
I'm Milking Unemployment discount: (Good on Weeknights only)
You are not working and you don't have to get up early. So there is no reason you shouldn't go out and enjoy yourself while milking unemployment. Why not enjoy yourself and save a few bucks at the same time? Bring your unemployment check stub and save $5.00 on your ticket. PS: Drop off an application while you're here so you can say you applied for a job.
Welfare cheat special: (Good on weeknights only) Are you cheating welfare? You know who you are. Because you get free food, free rent and other social services, we know you have money for cigarettes, liquor and entertainment. It's not fair that 7-11 gets all your money. We want some of the governments money too. Show our cashier your welfare card or your wic voucher and save $5.00
Sorry we cannot accept food stamps as payment for tickets to this show.
"Day Without a Gay Discount:" We have heard that some folks down in California have come up with some creative scheme to bring every shoe store, ad agency and art gallery to a screeching halt by asking every gay person in California to, "Call in "Gay." So while your not working just bring your happy self up to Reno, spend some of your cash in Nevada and come to our show. Just show up with your rainbow flag and save $5.00
Reedin an Rightin Library Card Discount: Does your library card get you a discount anywhere? Well it does here. We like people who can reed -n- right. But unlike the library, this place is not supported by the government and book fines. Show your library card and save $5.00
Postal Worker Discount: Because Postal workers spend most of their day walking around in hypnosis, you'll love this show. Wear your mail man uniform and your safari hat and save $5.00 (Please check gun at door.)
Bring Your Babushka: (Russian word for Grandma) Da camrades! Babushkas need to get out and have some fun too. Bring your Babushka and save $5.00 per person. (Ve keeps bar full vith coldest Vodka vest of Moscow)
Chicken Soup For The Soul Book Lovers Discount - bring in your favorite copy of any Chicken Soup For The Soul books just show it to the cashier read the first sentence from your favorite chapter and save $5.00 on your ticket.
8 track tape lovers discount: Do you still have your 8 track tapes? Bring one in give it to our cashier and save 5 bucks on your ticket. Please no Barry Manillow, Leaf Garrett or Partridge Family tapes. (He already has them all)
Stuck in the 80's Discount: Do you still have big hair? Do you wear day glow parachute pants, sport a mullet and a muscle T? Force your kids to watch The Brady Bunch, Brett Michaels Rock of Love and listen to Bon Jovi, New Kids on The Block or Motley Crue while you drive them to school in the mini van??? So do we! Get your can of Aqua Net ( responsible for global warming) and do up your big hair and C'mon down with this coupon your 80's hairstyle and save $5.00 (black comb in back pocket optional.)
12 step group members stepping out package: If you are a member of AA, OA, EA, GA or any other 2 vowled anonymous group. We are happy to have you. Gather all of your, anxiety filled, dysfunctional friends that you only know by their first name and your co-dependant spouses and have a good laugh. Tell our cashier you want the I'm addicted to 12 step groups special and save $5.00 per ticket.
Extra note: Even though we think 12 steppers make a great audience please don't volunteer to become hypnotized in the show. Your just too wacky. Instead please enjoy the show from the safety and comfort of your padded seat.
Mavricks Discount: Are you a maverick? Did it upset you that John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin stole your tag line? Tell our cashier "I'm a mavrick" and save $5.00
Casino Rewards Card: This show will bring you good luck. Bring in your gaming rewards card from any casino and you will get $5.00 off your ticket. Gamblers who come to our show have been known to win jackpots, hit a royal flush, cash in on bingo, keno, horse racing, black jack, craps, roulette, poker, and attract a harem of beautiful women.
Ross the intern squeaky voice discount: Are you a guy who has a squeaky voice and campy mannerisms like Jay Leno's pal, Ross The Intern? We'd bet you will be a funny person to have in our audience and that you'll be a great hypnotized volunteer. Go to the tonight show web site and print a picture of Ross The Interns nerdy face coupon of his smiling face and bring it to our cashier and save $5.00
Grandmas Grandpas Day
Grandma and Grandpas are special: They make you pies, sew your socks, can fix anything and remind you to save for the coming great depression. (Now in progress. See they were right) And do you know what? We don't have a special day for them. We have fathers and mothers and secretaries day but no Grandmas and Grandpas Day. Here at Get Hypnotized every day is Grandmas Grandpas Day. Just bring in your grandma or grandpa with 10 or more family and grandma and grandpa get in for FREE.
Please have Grandmas and Grandpas bring a sweater and cotton or earplugs as we can not turn down the volume or adjust the temperature of the room. Wheelchair and scooter seating is available.
Twins and triplets discount: are you a twin or a triplet? How cool is it to be a twin or a triplet. Dress in identical clothes and save $5.00
Smith / Jones Ordinary Family name discount: Is your last name Smith or Jones? Give yourself a discount. Present this coupon along with your Id declaring yourself as one of the millions of people with an ordinary last name and save $5.00
Domestic help discount coupon: When is the last time you took your landscaper, house keeper or nanny out on the town? Did you say never? Time to live dangerously. Tak'em out for a night of fun.
Bring in your family and your domestic helpers and save $5.00 per head.
(you can even write it off on your taxes)
Illegal date I'm not with my wife / husband discount: So your in Reno with someone other then your spouse? So is everyone else!
Just admit it and save $5.00 per ticket (remember to pay in cash so there is no proof you were ever here)
Losing Lotto ticket: Do you have a losing lotto ticket from California or any other state? Its worth 5 bucks. Just show it to our clerk and save $5.00
Did you get a parking or a traffic ticket? We are located right across the street from the courthouse. Just show us your ticket and tell us your stupid excuse that the judge didn't buy and admit that you were an idiot and save $5.00
Bed Bath and Beyond ridiculous item discount: Does your wife buy hot pot holders that look like watermelons and does she buy soaps that you are not allowed to open?
Our wives think this is normal too.
Bring in any ridiculous item that you wive got from Bed Bath and Beyond and save $5.00
Sarah Palin Glasses: Did you go out and get a pair of glasses just like Cariboo Barbie Sarah Palin? Slap them on your pretty face and come on down and save 5 bucks
Mervyn's, and Circuit City Defunct Gift Crads : Did your Mervyn's or Circuit City gift card become a worthless plastic when they filed for bankruptcy? Bring in your worthless gift card and save 5 bucks on your ticket.
Sing Karaoke: Karaoke its just like singing …only worse. Sing a few bars to our cashier in your worst voice and save 5 bucks.
Mad Magazine Fans Discount - Mad magazine is by far the greatest example of sophisticated American literature ever created that's suitable for resale in fine establishments such as 7-11 and Kmart magazine stands. Bring in your favorite issue of Mad Magazine and show it to the clerk and save $5.00
Motorcycle Magazines and Street vibrations: Bring in your favorite motorcycle magazine or carry in your helmet. Look at our cashier and say " Vroom, vroom" and save $5.00 per ticket.
Hot August Nights / Car Club Attendees: Come on in and walk up to our clerk, take out your wallet and show her the new pictures of your car that are now covering up the pictures of your children, shout "Beep, Beep," Save $5.00
Elvis Impersonators: Wear your entire Elvis costume walk in and declare yourself as " The King" and get in for FREE.
Idiots guide book readers discount- If you are smart enough to admit that you are an idiot at something you are the kind of person we like. Bring in any Idiots guide show it to our cashier and save $5.00 per ticket.
AAA members want a discount on everything discount. We'll give you one too. Show your AAA card and save 10% per ticket.
Cheapskate senior citizen discounts: bring in your AARP, Good Sams Club or any other discount card that you get for being an old fart and save $5.00. Please wear your sweater as the theater is drafty and we cannot adjust the temperature. Also please don't complain the music is too loud. We have selected a level that is fairly suitable for the majority of the audience most of who are younger than your underwear so you might wanna bring ear plugs. A Wheel chair or scooter elevator is available by request.
Cost-co member discount: Cost-co members are used to oversized stuff. Show your Costco membership and receive a discount of $5.00 per ticket. Our clerk will give you an
oversized ticket
National Enquirer, Globe Magazine Readers: Elvis sightings? UFO abductions? We believe that The National Inquirer and Globe Magazines are the finest most trust worthy sources of news available in America. Bring down any a copy of any National Enquirer or Globe magazine and save $5.00
Cosmo Magazine readers: Do you read Cosmo magazine? We think chicks that read cosmo have a wild side and make great hypnotic volunteers. Bring in the cover of any cosmo magazine and save $5.00
Southwest travelers discount; Did you fly southwest airlines into Reno? Bring in your Southwest airlines peanuts wrapper and save $5.00 Our seats actually have leg room and you don't have to fasten your seat belt here. PS: Very large people do not have to buy 2 seats.
Are you a Southwest Airlines Employee? Most of you are pretty fun and you are used to watching people do silly things in confined spaces. Show your Southwest ID and save $5.00
USBC Bowlers Discount: Grab your balls put on your bowling shirt, show your USBC card and save $5.00
Golfers discount. Got Balls? Bring in 2 golf balls and show them at the door and save $5.00.
Mexicans fleeing Nazi occupied Arizona: Amigos Y Amigas: If you are a Mexican fleeing Nazi occupied Arizona, you could probably use a break and you are welcome here so me casa su casa amigo bring sus familia! This economy is so awful we now take pesos.
Kiss fan discount: Are you a kiss fan? Wear your KISS shirt and save 5.00 come in Kiss make up and save $5.00 at the door and you might even get a FREE gift.
Gay marriage License: Hypnotized gays are funny. Are you a big enough iconoclast to stand up against societies cherished values that marriage should be only be between a woman and a man so that you can be as miserable as the rest of us? Bring in your gay marriage certificate, wear your rainbow suspenders and save $5.00 Dress in drag as Cher, Dianna Ross or Madonna and get in for FREE .
Kathy Griffin Fans Discount: Kathys got her gays, we need our ours. Wear your favorite shoes and come on down and ask for the Kathy Griffin Fan discount. Save $5.00
Ebay Discount Coupon: $300.00 for a beanie baby? 900.00 for a potatoe that looks like Jay Lenos chin? If you buy or sell on Ebay you are our kind of person. Show us a receipt for any item you have bought or sold on Ebay and save $5.00
Myspace / Face book friends discount. Do you spend countless hours on myspace or facebook? You really need to get out more often. Email all of your myspace and facebook friends and invite them to our show. Then make yourself up a counterfit coupon and save $5.00
Mexican Cultural Item Special: If you have traveled to Mexico and spent time visiting such important famoso Mexican cultural locations such as Cabo Wabo, Senior Frogs or the Hard Rock Café and you have the T shirt to prove it. We think you should be rewarded for your contribution to high culture. Wear your Senior Frogs or Cabo Wabo T shirt or hat and save $5.00
Forcelosure Discount: Is your house in foreclosure? You need to a break man… You need to laugh! Present your notice of default to our cashier and receive the I can't make my house payment but I need a fun escape special? Save $5.00
Englands Passport to Lesiure ES40, Job Seekers Card Discount:- Are you an unemployed British citizen on holiday in Reno instead of out looking for a job?
Good for you mate. We think people "on welfare" make a great audience no matter what country they are from.
Bring your Passport To Leisure with you. We are the only place in the United States who will give you a discount on a British welfare card. Bring it in and save 5 quid. (Cheers mate.) You can even wear your football colors and you'll be happy to know they sell Fish and Chips across the street.
Harry Potter Fans Dress as your favorite Harry Character - save $5.00
Calling all Star Wars Fans and Star Trek Fans and Trekkies : You will love that our theater is underneath the earth. Park your space ship on the roof and come on down below the earth to our underground theater.
Dress as your favorite caricature and save $5.00
Please leave, phasers, light sabers, swards and other space weapons ( real or not) at home. You must be able to see perfectly and walk down our stairs easily in your costume. You also must be able to keep your costume within your seat.
Starbucks Card Holders - Do you like funny shows and overpriced coffee?
We've got overpriced coffee too.
Show us your Starbucks club card and save $5.00 which you can turn right around and spend on our overpriced coffee.
Canadians get a discount too eh? - Are you coming to Reno From Canada? We love Canadians. You guys are polite, your country is beautiful and one day you will make a great little state. Show your Canadian passport and wear anything with the Canadian maple leaf (which seems to be on everything you guys wear) and save 5 bucks.
And don't worry you don't have to tip anyone here.
Carrot Top Discount: Do you have red hair? Do people call you red, carrot top and other names? We think you deserve a break. Bring your independent personality, and your beautiful carrot top. Show our cashier your smiling freckled face and save 5 bucks.
Busty women discount: Everyone loves busty women. If you have the type of hooters that make men crash their cars. We'd love to have you around. You obviously know what to wear. Just come on down and tell our cashier you want the Bodacious Tat-ta discount and save $5.00 (that's 2.50 per hooter)... Shake em and we just might tip you..
Skiers and Snowboarders Ski Lift Discount: If you are coming to Reno or Lake Tahoe To ski or snowboard this is great evening entertainment and you will love being hypnotized. Show us your lift ticket (yes you can leave it on your jacket) and save $5.00 ( Bring in a small bag of snow and save another buck (no yellow snow please)
Ski the night before you ski party package discount. Did you arrive in Reno the night before you ski? Wear your ski gloves and bring in the I'm going skiing tomorrow party package discount coupon. Write in the ski resort you are going to tomorrow. Show it to our cashier and save $5.00
Ski Hypnotized Lake Tahoe Reno Ski Resort Ski Party, Ski Specials, Discounts And Packages:
If you are coming to Reno or Lake Tahoe To ski or snowboard this is great evening entertainment and you will love being hypnotized Show us your lift ticket ( yes you can leave it on your jacket) and save $5.00
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Our society is so litigious even a wacky discount coupon promotion needs a legal disclaimer
Before I wrote these discounts I checked with my lawyer Mr. I.B. Screwenum who said they are all probably illegal and discriminatory in some way and will probably get me on an episode of Judge Judy or Court TV.
The good news is that they are so "out there"
if I ever get sued, I can easily plead insanity.
If you feel that the promotions to the Get Hypnotized Comedy Hypnosis show in Reno are offensive or
inappropriate... this show is not for you.
And if you are upset by all the typos, mispellins and improper use of grammar on this site ... you can blame the kalifornia publick edgeakational cystem, for passing a guy who did his Senior project on "Mad Magazine as American Literature." So if all of this bothers you, well...this show is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NOT FOR YOU!
We are just having fun. These promotions were designed to put a smile on your face and to give you a fun way to save a few bucks on some family friendly fun while you are in Reno.
Its just entertainment, so please lighten up.
-Chris Cady, Master Hypnotist Reno Nevada
PS: If you really peeved here is a good website for you http://www.drphil.com
Now If you are looking for a family activity when you are in Reno this is the best show and the best activity to do in Reno Nevada